Shibukawa “Heso” Festival is an intriguing event in Shibukawa, Gunma. It was held today. It looks so funny and unique to see people marching, dancing with their bellies painted faces, and exposed. It surprised me a lot and I couldn’t help laughing at how they looked and moved with these faces on🤭
They say Shibukawa is the geographical centre of Japan when you draw the smallest circle that covers the whole mainland. “Heso” means “Bellybutton” in English. So, “Heso” is the centre of our body, isnt it? It means, Shibukawa is heso of Japan. The festival celebrates where Shibukawa is and they hope to spread its name across the globe!
You can join the parade and dance with the locals! So, let’s dive in with a new friend painted on your stomach!